Price Match Guarantee

Because we offer best price guarantee

If you find a lower price in any Abuja based sporting goods store of an identical, in-stock item – currently advertised in print or online – show us the ad and we’ll match it.

What qualifies?

Your product may be eligible for price matching if it is: Table Tennis Board, Snooker Table, Treadmill, Exercise Bike

Identical to the competitor’s product.

The product must be a matching brand and model number to qualify.

Immediately available at a qualifying online retailer, or a local competitor.

We match local retail competitors.


1. Show us a printed or digital copy of the ad

2. We’ll make the adjustment at the register


1. Call us at 07032977996 to validate the ad

2. We’ll price adjust the item on your order


If you bought a regular priced item from PARAMOUNT Sports Shop that we later sold for a lower price (within 14 days of your purchase), bring us your receipt and we’ll refund the difference in store – or for online purchases, Call our Customer Care at 07032977996 and we’ll refund the difference.